We recently bought a Roomba automatic vacuum cleaner and we started to look at how to hack it as soon as it was out of the box. The Roomba is equipped with a serial port which enables you to control the robot. This serial port uses a Mini-Din socket and works in TTL levels (incompatible with an RS232 port). Luckily, we just announced the Yocto-Serial: a serial interface which can work with TTL levels.
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Last year, Apple presented its new programming language for iOS and OSX: Swift. This language is easier to use (and to learn) than Objective-C and its syntax is radically different. To ensure a smooth transition to this new language, you can create "hybrid" applications which have a part written in Swift and a part written in Objective-C. Theoretically, our Objective-C library should work as-is in a Swift project. In practice, it's somewhat more complex...
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This week, we are going to talk about the HTTP Callback mode. More particularly, how to authenticate a YoctoHub and to make sure that an intruder can't insert invalid data in your system.
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Some time ago we showed you how to efficiently read Yoctopuce sensors from Excel, using an RTD server written in C# .NET. As this solution works quite well, we have been asked whether it was possible to extend our sample code to handle other Yoctopuce devices. It's Christmas time, here you are :-)
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We already used the Yocto-Knob to interface potentiometers, buttons, photo-diodes, but never so far a rotary encoder. This week, we are going to see how to interface a rotary encoder with a Yocto-Knob to create a more advanced human-computer interface.
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