From time to time, we are asked whether Yoctopuce would be interested in building a USB motion sensor based on a PIR sensor. Let's kill the suspense right away: the answer is no, not at the present time. However, we can show you how to build one for a little bit more than the price of a Yocto-Serial.
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There are more and more services enabling you to store your measures in the cloud. We already presented free (but limited) solutions such as EmonCMS and ThinkSpeak, and more recently the commercial solution Microsoft Azure. Today, we present the professional solution developed by our US reseller,, which is today the only one to exploit the advanced features of Yoctopuce modules and also offers features linked to geolocation that you don't find in other services.
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Recently we had to build a device able to measure temperature on a roof. No electricity was available up there, the only technological stuff we could use was a wifi network. That project is not really original since the issues involved have been covered in the mail box and the weather station posts. However we though you would be interested in the box construction....
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In an computer system, measure and event timestamps are considered an evidence and, nowadays, no one expects to encounter difficulties in this domain. However, knowing the exact time at any time is far from obvious, in particular if you work with autonomous sensors with limited resources.
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A few months ago, we explained how to configure a YoctoHub or a VirtualHub to automatically post sensor values on Emoncms is a web site which allows you to store measures in the cloud and to display them prettily. There are numerous sites which offer this kind of services (either free or for a fee), but Emoncms is, to our knowledge, the only one which is Open Source and which can be installed on a private server. And this is exactly what we are going to do this week.
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