When you must design a system that sends back measures through a GSM connection, there are two physical quantities that you want to estimate: que quantity of transferred data and the power consumption. We already had the opportunity to provide orders of magnitude for data consumption in a previous post, but we are going to see today how much power is needed to send back data periodically through a 3G or 4G GSM connection.
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We were recently asked details on the absolute accuracy of the Yocto-Thermocouple and on the temperature measures by thermocouple in general. As it's impossible to answer this question without detailed explanations, we wrote it into a post so that it can be useful to everybody. So, let's see which absolute accuracy one can reasonably expect from a thermocouple and then let's test with an experiment whether the theoretical value matches the real one...
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We have been asked several times whether we were going to manufacture a color sensor, also known as a RGB sensor. To be honest, the answer is: "we don't really know". You are about to understand why: this week, we are going to interface the TAOS TCS34725 color sensor with a Yocto-I2C.
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At Yoctopuce, we like to buy random sensors, just to check if we can make them work with Yoctopuce hardware. This week we chose the GY-US42V2 sold by Play-Zone.ch and referenced as a "SRF02".
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We are always on the lookout for affordable new sensors which our customers could find useful. Among the difficult tasks, there is the remote detection of moving objects. We were therefore happy to discover a small radar sensor named K-LD2 manufactured by RFbeam.
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