We have shown several times how an autonomous sensor can send data through the Internet to a program hosted on a web server. But, until today, we limited ourselves to the most classic development environments for web servers: PHP, Java, or Node.js. Today, you are going to see that it's also easy to send data to a Microsoft Azure data base, enabling us to access it from the new Microsoft ecosystem.
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For many, the 2015 innovation in the smart watch world is the Apple Watch. However, another smart watch was talked about: the Pebble Time. This was caused in particular to the unprecedented success of its Kickstarter campaign. The new version just arrived to Yoctopuce, and to celebrate this, we wrote an application enabling you to drive a Roomba from your watch.
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In an computer system, measure and event timestamps are considered an evidence and, nowadays, no one expects to encounter difficulties in this domain. However, knowing the exact time at any time is far from obvious, in particular if you work with autonomous sensors with limited resources.
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Our blog articles are generally used to give ideas on how to solve issues with Yoctopuce modules.Today, we offer you not an idea but a complete realization, which can be used by any user without computing knowledge...
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We recently bought a Roomba automatic vacuum cleaner and we started to look at how to hack it as soon as it was out of the box. The Roomba is equipped with a serial port which enables you to control the robot. This serial port uses a Mini-Din socket and works in TTL levels (incompatible with an RS232 port). Luckily, we just announced the Yocto-Serial: a serial interface which can work with TTL levels.
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