Until a few weeks ago, our Yocto-Display required to be connected by USB to a computer in order to update the screen. Now that the YoctoHub-Ethernet has been released, we can free ourselves from this limitation. Here is how to display the content of an RSS feed on a Yocto-MaxiDisplay connected to a YoctoHub-Ethernet, using the PHP API in HTTP Callback mode.
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You have most probably already read about the Pebble smart watch, which connects to your phone to let you know about new emails, text messages, incoming calls, etc. A year after the original announcement, Pebble has eventually published the SDK to create an active “Watch App” for this watch. We thought it would be fun and convenient to be able to control our environment directly from a watch. So, to test this new SDK, we have written a small Pebble application that controls the light bulb that we used a couple of weeks ago with the Yocto-LatchedRelay.
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Following last week's article, here is a small real-world application using HTTP callbacks to drive Yoctopuce modules through a NAT filter. We will use here a Raspberry Pi because it's cheap and we don't need too much out of it: only to run a VirtualHub to generate periodic callbacks.
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In Switzerland, the first of August is national holiday. It's also the opportunity for every one to play with pyrotechnic devices: using fireworks is strictly forbidden the rest of the year. No need to say, during that night every one is having a field day. At Yoctopuce we were wondering if we could fire fireworks using an iPhone. Well this was an opportunity for us to try.
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In Europe, most of the roof windows are produced by Velux, to the point that in current language Velux has become a common noun like frigidaire was a while back. Well, now Velux produces motorized windows. The obvious questions is what do we need to add to be able to control such a window from a computer?
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