
Transferring two-factor authentication SMS

By seb, in DIY, june 17,2022.

More and more sites require two-factor authentication via SMS. From a security standpoint, it's very good, but it can become bothersome if the login is shared by several people. This week, we are going to see how to receive an authentication SMS and to transfer it to several people.

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Driving Velux skylight windows with Yoctopuce

By seb, in DIY, may 30,2022.

A few months ago, we wrote a post explaining how to drive the opening of Velux skylight windows with a KLF 200 interface. This week, we are going to improve this system by adding a control panel to it.

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Driving a motorized potentiometer

By martinm, in DIY and Programming, december 23,2021.

When designing our audio output switch, we thought about using a motorized potentiometer for the volume. The idea was quickly dismissed because this would have added bulkiness and complexity into a project that we wanted simple and compact. However, the question remains: can we use a motorized potentiometer with Yoctopuce modules? We tried it and the answer is yes, although it's quite tricky to do.

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(Physically) switching the audio outputs of a computer

By martinm, in DIY, december 03,2021.

If you use your Windows computer to listen to music while you are working and if, depending on the circumstances, you listen to this music with a Bluetooth headset or external speakers, you might have noticed that switching from one mode to the other is somewhat tedious. One must possibly unlock the screen saver, then open the sound interface and select the output device in a drop-down list. Why not build a physical interface which would be easier to use?

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Building a photo booth

By seb, in DIY, july 23,2021.

We recently put together a photo booth for a family party and thought others might be interested. We are therefore going to see how to build a photo booth with a Raspberry Pi, a Canon Selphi photo printer, two lights, and a Yocto-PowerRelay-V3.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.