
Interfacing the GY-US42V2 sonar

By martinm, in Reviews and Measures, july 09,2021.

At Yoctopuce, we like to buy random sensors, just to check if we can make them work with Yoctopuce hardware. This week we chose the GY-US42V2 sold by and referenced as a "SRF02".

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How many USB sensors can you connect in 2021?

By mvuilleu, in Reviews, june 25,2021.

Five years after our first series of tests on the maximum number of USB sensors that we could use on a machine and on the efficiency of the different types of hubs to manage this type of traffic, we offer you a new series of tests to know whether the situation has evolved since 2016...

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Test of the RFbeam K-LD2 radar sensor

By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Measures, june 04,2021.

We are always on the lookout for affordable new sensors which our customers could find useful. Among the difficult tasks, there is the remote detection of moving objects. We were therefore happy to discover a small radar sensor named K-LD2 manufactured by RFbeam.

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Interfacing the DFRobot ID01 UHF RFID reader

By mvuilleu, in Programming and Reviews, may 14,2021.

At the present time, we don't have an RFID reader in our catalogue because to this date we haven't found an RFID module to be embedded which is compatible with our quality requirements and our price range. But from time to time, we try products that we find on the market to see what they are worth, and whether they can be used with Yoctopuce modules. This is what we did this week with the ID01 UHF RFID reader, sold by DFRobot.

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Test of the LIDAR-Lite v4

By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Measures, april 23,2021.

We have already mentioned several sensors for the detection and distance measure of nearby objects: cheap acoustic sonars, very expensive laser telemeters, and several optical sensors in between. Among those, we hadn't yet tested the Garmin LIDAR-Lite v4.

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