
Looking for light?

By martinm, in New stuff, december 29,2011.

Then we might be able to help you: a new sensor is about to be available on the shop. The Yocto-Light device is an ambient light sensor. With a sensitivity range extending from 3 to 65000 lux, it will let you to make many interesting projects such as light barrier, day/night detection, shadow detection etc...

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A tiny USB hub

By martinm, in New stuff, october 07,2011.

There is generally no problem to remotely drive a legacy appliance using a USB device from Yoctopuce. It is actually quite simple: disassemble the appliance (without losing the screws), install the module in it (without forgetting to put a USB cable to the outside) and reassemble the appliance (using as many of the original screws as you can figure out). Given their average size of 20x45mm, Yoctopuce modules are generally small enough to fit anywhere.

Now, when you need to put several USB devices in an appliance, it is a different matter. Stuffing the devices themselves is usually OK, but then you need to add a USB hub as well, and all the cables with their big connectors...

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What about an RGB led?

By martinm, in New stuff, september 09,2011.

Building a USB device to drive the shy red led everybody knows would probably be a big overkill. At Yoctopuce, we are not really afraid of overkills, but there are some lines we are not willing to cross...

Anyway, driving one of these shiny little color leds might be more interesting: driving directly one of those is not so easy if you want to create the intermediate colors.

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