
Ventilating a room depending on the CO2 rate

By seb, in Internet of Things, january 28,2022.

This week, we are going to talk about a popular topic these days: the ventilation of a work room. CO2 being a good indicator of air "pollution", we are going to see how to automate the opening of motorized Velux skylight windows depending on the CO2 rate inside a room.

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GSM power usage for sensor monitoring

By mvuilleu, in Measures, Electronics and Internet of Things, november 20,2021.

When you must design a system that sends back measures through a GSM connection, there are two physical quantities that you want to estimate: que quantity of transferred data and the power consumption. We already had the opportunity to provide orders of magnitude for data consumption in a previous post, but we are going to see today how much power is needed to send back data periodically through a 3G or 4G GSM connection.

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Snooping on an RS485 bus

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Internet of Things, april 02,2021.

Some time ago, we explained how to query a MODBUS sensor with a Yocto-RS485-V2. But in some cases, you may want to monitor the measures which transit through a MODBUS communication without sending anything on the RS485 bus. It's also possible, and this is what we are going to explain today.

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Installing a TypeScript application on a YoctoHub

By mvuilleu, in Programming and Internet of Things, february 12,2021.

The TypeScript language is a great improvement on JavaScript, as it allows for error detection during compilation rather than during run time. But if it's quite easy to integrate with Node.js, its use to write HTML interfaces without a Node.js server is not so trivial. We are therefore going to show you how to implement an HTML application in TypeScript which optimizes network transfers, so as to install it directly on a YoctoHub-Ethernet.

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Monitoring the state of an oil-fired furnace

By seb, in Internet of Things, february 05,2021.

Many houses were built before the Internet of Things and sometimes we need to convert old, but working, installations in order to monitor them remotely. It's the topic of this week's post. We are going to add a YoctoHub to a Straton furnace in order to receive an alert when the furnace goes out of order.

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