You should normally power Yoctopuce modules with a voltage between 4.75V and 5.25V, which is the standard operating range for USB devices. But what happens when you go beyond these limits, even temporarily and without meaning to? What are the cases that can cause lasting damage? This is what we will explain to you...
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Three weeks ago, we presented the new Yocto-MaxiKnob which enables you to quite easily interface control panels. This week, we show you how to embed alphanumeric displays in you control panel by using only one Yoctopuce module: the Yocto-I2C.
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A customer recently contacted Yoctopuce support to ask why his DIY tachometer didn't work with a Yocto-PWM-Rx. We looked into it and, to our surprise, we discovered that generating a clean PWM signal with a magnet and a reed switch was not as easy as one could think.
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Creating a software to query an SPI sensor contains a number of traps, linked to the specificities of this communication mode. This post provides some advice to avoid the most frequent pitfalls.
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Three years ago, we gave you a small preview of what could be a Yoctopuce module used to drive stepper motors. In the mean time, a lot of time has past, but this module is still not for sale. We do intend to offer it in the future, but if in between you need to drive a stepper motor for a simple application, we may have a solution for you ...
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