
A Chuck Norris fact dispenser

By martinm, in DIY and Internet of Things, february 19,2016.

This week, we decided to build a small gadget which will undoubtedly change the course of your life. It's a small cube able to print a different "Chuck Norris" fact each time you press a button. You can even take it everywhere with you, it's wireless.

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How to track a package with a YoctoHub-GSM

By mvuilleu, in DIY and Internet of Things, february 05,2016.

Courtesy of carpostal.chThe Swiss Post is renowned for its efficiency in handling shipments within the country. Priority packages are delivered in any city, town, or village within Switzerland the day following the day of dispatch, even in remote valleys. This week, we decided to perform a small experiment to see how this service works by following the journey of a package with a YoctoHub-GSM-2G.

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Building a USB-driven variable resistor

By martinm, in DIY and Electronics, january 08,2016.

From time to time, people ask us if our roadmap would not include a digital USB potentiometer. The answer is no, because such product would probably be too limited to be useful. However, we can tell you how to build your own digital variable resistance, using just a few relays and resistors.

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Coke + Mentos + Yoctopuce = Fun

By seb, in DIY, november 19,2015.

This week, we decided to write a more entertaining post. It's an experiment to be done with children: adding a few Mentos candies into a Coke bottle to literally create a Coke geyser. The difficulty in this experiment is that the reaction happens so fast that one often finds oneself drenched with Coke. We decided to create a device allowing us to trigger this reaction from afar.

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A USB food dispenser

By martinm, in DIY, october 23,2015.

Not long ago, someone asked us whether it was possible to automate a dry food dispenser with Yoctopuce modules, the idea being to transform it into a food dispenser for a pet. The answer is obviously yes. There are even several solutions. There is one in particular which is based on a smart use of a Yocto-LatchedRelay which we wanted to show you for a while...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.