Building a USB device to drive the shy red led everybody knows would probably be a big overkill. At Yoctopuce, we are not really afraid of overkills, but there are some lines we are not willing to cross...
Anyway, driving one of these shiny little color leds might be more interesting: driving directly one of those is not so easy if you want to create the intermediate colors.
That's why we thought we could make something we would call a Yocto-Color. This USB device would be made of three parts: the driver and two other parts with one led on each. These parts would be detachable so you would be able to put each led in different location. We would choose leds powerful enough to be used for concealed lighting
A 3 parts module
The Yocto-Color would allow you to put some color in your projects. If PC-tuning is your thing, it would suit you too :-)