
Integrating an M-Bus meter in Home Assistant

By mvuilleu, in Internet of Things and Measures, july 12,2024.

M-Bus (also known as Meter-Bus) is a standard dating back to the '90s, designed for reading water and power meters. A wireless variant using the same data coding was later defined, but for this post we'll focus on the original version, which powers and reads up to 250 meters over 1 km, linked by a single pair of twisted wires.

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VirtualHub v2 security modes

By seb july 07,2024.

This week, we're releasing a new version of VirtualHub v2 that introduces the concept of security mode. As the name suggests, security modes let you configure VirtualHub network access parameters to suit your needs.

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Testing the SenseCap S700 V2 weather station

By Tiago, in Reviews, Measures and Internet of Things, june 28,2024.

A few weeks ago, we presented the Yocto-SDI12 which communicates with SDI-12 sensors. Today, we're going to use the Yocto-SDI12 to retrieve measures from Seed Studio's integrated SenseCAP S700 V2 weather station and display them using Yocto-Visualization for Web.

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New! The Yocto-Maxi-IO-V3

By martinm, in New stuff, june 21,2024.

As the same causes tend to have the same effects, following the announcement of the Yocto-IO-V2 a few months ago, this week we present the Yocto-Maxi-IO-V3. Its internal design is a little different from the previous version, but from a functional point of view, it's exactly the same product as the Yocto-Maxi-IO-V2.

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The network watchdog and VirtualHub

By seb june 14,2024.

The VirtualHub application emulates a YoctoHub and offers almost the same features. However, one feature was missing: the network watchdog. This watchdog enables YoctoHubs to be rebooted in the event of prolonged loss of network connectivity. This feature is now available in the VirtualHub application. So it's now possible to reboot your computer remotely using VirtualHub, but rest assured, we've provided safeguards.

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