
New: the Yocto-Altimeter-V2

By mvuilleu, in Measures and New stuff, september 08,2019.

There are probably not many measuring devices based on a physical phenomenon as unstable as barometric altimeters. And yet, they are still widely used, for want of anything better. Technological progress even makes it possible to go even further in the accuracy of this technique, which seems to defy common sense. Welcome to the Yocto-Altimeter-V2!

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New: the Yocto-MaxiMicroVolt-Rx

By mvuilleu, in New stuff and Measures, august 19,2019.

To open the door to new applications, we extend our range of analog voltage measuring tools. The newcomer, the Yocto-MaxiMicroVolt-Rx, is the most accurate of all, and it can measure minute voltages, in the order of the micro-volt. Let's see what this means...

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New: The Yocto-MaxiCoupler-V2

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, july 26,2019.

Relays are one of the most fundamental components used in automation: opening and closing a circuit is the most intuitive way to remotely control a machine. We offer several kinds of USB driven relays, depending on the type of circuit to be switched. But we also have an alternate choice: solid-state relays, solely based on semiconductors. And on this topic, we have fresh news...

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Computations in Yoctopuce serial interface modules

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, june 14,2019.

A few months ago, we showed you how to use a Yoctopuce serial interface module to automatically handle a serial sensor of type TTL, SPI, RS232, or RS485. This week, we enrich this feature to enable you to perform arithmetic computations directly in the Yoctopuce module, in order to obtain values that you can use straight away with an HTTP callback for example.

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Linux aarch64 support for the VirtualHub and libraries

By seb, in New stuff, june 07,2019.

More and more customers are starting to use our devices with Linux aarch64. Last December we explained how to recompile some of our libraries to run on this platform. This week we are completing support for this platform by releasing a new VirtualHub that runs on Linux aarch64 (also known as arm64), and we are also adding support for aarch64 in the C++, Java, python, PHP and Javascript libraries.

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