There is no magical sensor able to measure air quality in any circumstance: for each environment, you must select the appropriate sensor. We have already presented in this blog some ways to evaluate inside air quality, in particular to detect stale air because of CO2. We also talked about sensors that you can use to detect toxic or foul smelling gases, used in particular in the industry. Today, we address how to measure the quality of outside air, that is, the air that everyone breathes daily.
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Generally, we always try to use sensors which do not require any calibration. But, in some cases, we cannot work around this step, in particular if you need to compensate an external perturbation. All the Yoctopuce sensors have the possibility to automatically apply a correction to the value returned by the sensor. Let's see how it works.
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The widespread use of game controllers and augmented reality tools based on accelerometers and gyroscopes raises many ideas for applications. However, some of these applications are more a fantasy than a reality, as enthusiasm sometimes makes us forget some basic physical principles. So, here is a little reminder to help you avoid cruel deceptions...
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A few years ago, we explained why the Yocto-Watt is limited to 16A and we gave you some clues on how to measure high currents. But, at that time, we didn't have a simple solution to offer for the most current application: measuring and transmitting the main consumption parameters of a power distribution panel. This gap is today filled and we offer you a detailed solution, easy to implement, based on commercial components.
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While exchanging with our customers on the best ways to interface industrial controllers, we noticed that nowadays the small secrets enabling you to use an RS485 interface were sometimes unknown from engineers implementing computer or internet based automation. So here is a quick remedial course...
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