
Keyboard and access control

By martinm, in DIY, january 02,2014.

We didn't have the chance to discuss about it until now, but the Yocto-Display and the Yocto-MaxiDisplay both include six analog inputs. Long story short, they feature the equivalent of a Yocto-Knob. This week, we explain how to use these inputs to interface a numeric keypad to build an access control device.

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USB water rockets

By martinm, in DIY, november 21,2013.

Apollo program, Courtesy of NASALast week, we built a water rocket launcher. This week, we deal with the sister issue: the water rocket itself. And because at Yoctopuce we can't help putting USB modules everywhere, we built a USB water rocket...

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An autonomous water rocket launcher

By martinm, in Internet of Things and DIY, november 15,2013.

You probably heard of water rockets and might know that it's quite easy to build them yourself with soda bottles and hose nozzles. This type of "toy" can be propelled to quite breathtaking heights, which makes it a rather fun hobby. Well, Yoctopuce looked into it...

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How to build an USB pluviometer

By martinm, in DIY, july 18,2013.

If you're interested in autonomous weather measurement stations, you may have wondered how to build a digital pluviometer. You probably though about a complex solution based on a container and water level detectors. Actually the solution is much simpler, you can even do it yourself...

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How to build a rain sensor

By martinm, in DIY, july 04,2013.

Most recent cars include a cool gadget: automatic windshield wipers, which start to wipe as soon as it rains. As we are curious by nature, we wondered how car rain sensors work and whether it was possible to build one ourselves, without needing to put a windshield in the middle of the garden.

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