Recently we had to build a device able to measure temperature on a roof. No electricity was available up there, the only technological stuff we could use was a wifi network. That project is not really original since the issues involved have been covered in the mail box and the weather station posts. However we though you would be interested in the box construction....
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In the latest issue of Make, we found a nice article by Thomas Burg and Johannes Gottwald about splash photography. The principle behind this technique, often used for commercials, is to take a picture of an object while it dips into a liquid. This can produces stunning pictures. Of course, after reading that, we were eager to give it a try...
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One of us recently bought one of these scientific kits for children. Yes, at Yoctopuce, we still are big kids :-) The idea was to grow crystals, but frankly the result wasn't very convincing. We ended up with a pile of ridiculously small crystals at the bottom of a plastic cup. Nothing like what was promised on the box. We wondered if we could better the concept with some Yoctopuce modules. Let's see if we can do as well as Walter White...
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The Yoctopuce team recently decided to record the weight of each package to be sent, in order to compare the pre-computed weight to the actual weight. And as we don't really like repetitive tasks, we decided to do it automatically. So we bought a few scales with an RS232 output. And this week we take the opportunity to show you in detail how to transform a Kern scale into a Yocto-Scale in a jiffy.
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Our blog articles are generally used to give ideas on how to solve issues with Yoctopuce modules.Today, we offer you not an idea but a complete realization, which can be used by any user without computing knowledge...
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