


This product makes light. But this is no ordinary light: you can drive the color and intensity of the light. This module is made of 2 parts: the main board, and one sub-board with one RGB (Red Green Blue) led on it. the sub-board can be detached, so you can place the led wherever you want, and even attach a reflector to it.

Moreover, this device does not require a real USB connection to work. You can configure the led color at module power-up, and then use a simple USB charger to power it.

This product is not manufactured anymore. Closest replacement is the Yocto-Color-V2

This device can be connected directly to an Ethernet network using a YoctoHub-Ethernet, to a WiFi network using a YoctoHub-Wireless-n and to a GSM network using a YoctoHub-GSM.

Yocto-PowerColor Yocto-PowerColor Yocto-PowerColor

USB cables and enclosures to be ordered separately.

This product is not available anymore.


Product ID:YRGBHI01
Product name:Yocto-PowerColor
USB connector:micro-B
Protection class, according to IEC 61140:class III
Normal operating temperature:5...40°C
Supported Operating Systems:Windows (PC + IoT), Linux (Intel + ARM), macOS, Android
Drivers:Driverless, no driver needed
API / SDK / Libraries:C++ Obj-C C# VB.NET UWP Delphi Python Java Android LabVIEW
API / SDK / Libraries (TCP only):Javascript Node.js PHP
RoHS compliance:RoHS III (2011/65/UE+2015/863)
Harmonized tariff code:9032.9000
Made in:Switzerland

Accessories and related products

Micro-USB-Hub-V2, Micro USB hub (multi-TT) with solder pads, for DIY useFix-2.5mm, screws and spacersUSB-A-MicroB-50, USB 2.0 type A to Micro-B data cable, 50 cmPicoflex-U25, Picoflex Cable, U shape, 25cmPicoflex-Z10, Picoflex Cable, Z shape, 10cm

Related articles and application examples


User manual (HTML)
User manual (PDF)
3D file (STEP)
Most recent firmware51180 (12/02/2022)
Programming libraries64286 (01/20/2025)
Command line API64286 (01/20/2025)
VirtualHub application63516 (11/29/2024)

Add a comment 3 comments

1 - molkko Friday,october 11,2013 17H37

I disconnected the led and since then the led has not been working. I guess that the reason is that I used small saw for separating the units. The saw probably erroneusly connected some of those four wires with each others with copper dust or something. I can communicate with the unit normally but the led does nothing. Anything I should still try to get this unit up and running?

2 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Friday,october 11,2013 18H55

Just send a hi-resolution picture of your device to support. They will tell you if there is hope.

3 - molkko Saturday,october 12,2013 7H07

Concluding remark regarding my earlier post: The device works again. The lesson for me was that picoflex must be soldered.

Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.