


Theses 1.27mm pitch connectors allow you to connect a Yoctopuce USB device directly on a Micro-USB-Hub without using a USB cable. The result is a very compact device. The package contains 4 headers and 4 matching sockets.

Board2Board-127 Board2Board-127 Board2Board-127
CHF 2.70

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Product ID:BRD2B127
Product name:Board2Board-127
Harmonized tariff code:8536.9050
Made in:China

Accessories and related products

Fix-2.5mm, screws and spacers

Related articles and application examples



Add a comment 3 comments

1 - pswiatki Thursday,august 11,2016 5H34

Which spacer is a good match (length wise) for this connector?

2 - pswiatki Thursday,august 11,2016 5H47

OK, sorry to bother with questions before reading the manual. Ethernet hub manual has the answer: Fix-2.5.

3 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Thursday,august 11,2016 6H30

@pswiatki: It's ok. For clarification, I added it the related products section.

Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.