A new Yoctopuce module is available: the Yocto-PWM-Tx. As its name suggests it, this module can transmit a PWM signal. This type of signal is often used when driving industrial equipments, motors, air-conditioners, or even lighting. Let's have a closer look at how it works.
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Have you ever wished to measure a tilt angle by USB ? To detect when an object starts moving or falling ? To measure the position of a nearby magnet ? To determine where a vehicle is heading to ? Be happy, the Yocto-3D can do all that, and even more. Let us introduce our newest sensors...
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After several months of development (much more than what we originally planned...), we are eventually ready to submit a grand new version of the Yoctopuce programming library and new firmwares for the modules. And this time, it is not only fixes, but new features of which you can take advantage after a software update. Here is a summary of what will change and what will stay the same in the new release 1.10…
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This week we are happy to introduce the YoctoHub-Wireless-SR. This device is almost the same as the YoctoHub-Wireless, except for the antenna: this YoctoHub uses an onboard PCB antenna rather than an external antenna. Of course, this does not provide the same performances. We have therefore decided to run a small Wi-Fi range testing session with various antennas.
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After almost two years spent in the vaporware section, the YoctoHub-Wireless is finally available. In short, it's a wireless YoctoHub-Ethernet, but there are some important differences. Let's have a closer look at them...
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