
Compiling the command line

By seb january 05,2025.

When we introduced version 2.0 of the command line library, we modified our compilation scripts and realized that we had never explained how to compile the command line library.

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Solar weather station (2024 edition)

By martinm, in DIY, december 27,2024.

Ever since we moved into our new premises, we've been doing our utmost to keep the floor housing all our production machines and component stock at a reasonable level of humidity. For severe peaks in humidity, typically in Summer after a storm, we use a dehumidifier, but for mild cases, we simply open the windows. But you still need to do it at the right time...

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Social and environmental responsibility

By mvuilleu, in Misc, december 20,2024.

With the new European directive on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSRD) due to come into force in 2025, we are increasingly receiving requests for information on how we manage the sustainability and social responsibility of our business and our suppliers. As the essence of this new regulation is transparency, we have chosen to publish in this post our approach and the measures we take on a daily basis to best assume our share of responsibility.

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Automatic WiFi configuration

By seb, in Programming and Misc, december 13,2024.

Whenever you have a new WiFi device to install, the first step is to configure the connection settings. And often, the most time-consuming part is finding and typing in the password for the WiFi access point. We've enhanced the tool we introduced a few weeks ago to automate this step.

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New! The Yocto-Light-V5

By martinm, in New stuff, december 06,2024.

This week, we're announcing the Yocto-Light-V5, which is now the most powerful ambient light sensor in our range, in terms of both measuring range and acquisition speed. Let's have a look!

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