We have just added a new feature to the YoctoHub-GSM. If you update your firmware, you will be able to use it to send and receive SMS. This is might not look very useful to access a Yoctopuce sensor, but it opens the door to new use-cases for the YoctoHub-GSM itself. For instance, you can now implement two factor authentication.
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This week, we invite you to meet a newcomer: the Yocto-Color-V2. Basically, it's a multicolor led driver designed to replace the Yocto-Color. Wait! Don't go just yet! This module can do much more than drive two RGB leds. You can do some real cool stuff with it...
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There is a newcomer in the family of Yoctopuce interface modules: the Yocto-SPI. This small module can communicate with sensors and other devices that use a SPI communication protocol.
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To integrate a Yoctopuce sensor into an application, you can use our libraries to communicate directly with the Yoctopuce module. It's the most efficient manner, which also offers the most possibilities. But to do so, you need a minimum of programming knowledge. The other solution is to use a standard protocol and applications which support this protocol. It's the case of MQTT. We just added MQTT support into the VirtualHub and the YoctoHubs.
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Some time ago, we presented the beginnings of a new Yoctopuce library designed to modernize our JavaScript support, for browsers as well as for Node.js. After three months of internal and external testing, and many improvements, it is now time to make official this EcmaScript library which is now supported at the same level as all the other languages.
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