How many times did you just get back from grocery shopping when you noticed that you forgot to buy an essential item, such as coffee or worse... sugar? Obviously, a pencil and a paper should theoretically protect you against this kind of mishap. But you must still not lose or forget the shopping list before you go shopping. This week, we propose a solution based on Yoctopuce modules to solve this annoying issue.
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This week, we decided to build a small gadget which will undoubtedly change the course of your life. It's a small cube able to print a different "Chuck Norris" fact each time you press a button. You can even take it everywhere with you, it's wireless.
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The Swiss Post is renowned for its efficiency in handling shipments within the country. Priority packages are delivered in any city, town, or village within Switzerland the day following the day of dispatch, even in remote valleys. This week, we decided to perform a small experiment to see how this service works by following the journey of a package with a YoctoHub-GSM-2G.
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We designed the Yoctopuce sensors so that you can easily integrate them in all kinds of computer systems: connecting them to a computer, to an Android phone, or even to a web server. On this latter point, we have so far discussed web integration examples destined to seasoned programmers, working directly in PHP or in Java. Today, we discuss a solution which is simpler to implement for web developers using the WordPress platform.
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There are more and more services enabling you to store your measures in the cloud. We already presented free (but limited) solutions such as EmonCMS and ThinkSpeak, and more recently the commercial solution Microsoft Azure. Today, we present the professional solution developed by our US reseller,, which is today the only one to exploit the advanced features of Yoctopuce modules and also offers features linked to geolocation that you don't find in other services.
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