
A macro keyboard, Yoctopuce-style

By Tiago, in DIY, april 12,2024.

Some time ago, we presented a method for driving Yoctopuce modules with an Elgato Stream Deck. Today, we're showing you how to create a macro keyboard, inspired by the Stream Deck but based on a Yoctopuce module.

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Guiding a spotlight with rangefinders

By mvuilleu, in DIY, march 22,2024.

A month ago, we presented in this blog two products whose tests had proved quite successful: a small rangefinder that worked over 10m, and a small DMX512-controlled motorized spotlight. We thought we'd make a fun little project by combining them, and there's nothing like this kind of testing to see if a product lives up to its promise...

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Communicating with DMX512 devices

By mvuilleu, in DIY, march 01,2024.

DMX512 is a lighting control standard widely used in theater and nightclub technology. It enables all kinds of stage equipment to be remotely controlled from a central console, simply via a long three-wire bus on which the spotlights are chained. But can a Yoctopuce module be used to access a DMX512 bus?

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Making a smart extension cord

By seb, in DIY, september 22,2023.

This week, we're going to do a little DIY. The aim is to make a "smart" extension cord that measures consumption and can be controlled remotely using the WiFi network.

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Build a PT100 probe for a fraction of the price

By martinm, in DIY, july 18,2023.

If you've ever bought a Yocto-PT100, you've probably noticed that it doesn't come with a PT100 probe, and that these probes are pretty expensive. But did you know that it's possible to make one quite easily and cheaply?

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.