Josephine the USB coffee machine

Josephine the USB coffee machine

The number one fantasy among DIYers is probably hacking the coffee machine to remote control it. We thought about this for many years. Today we finally decided to do it. Meet Josephine, our coffee machine, an old JURA IMPRESSA F505 model.

The most difficult part was to dismantle it. Obviously, the guys who designed it did not want us to have a look inside. There is almost no screw: all parts are clipped-in.

Meet Josephine, isn't she a beauty?
Meet Josephine, isn't she a beauty?

After a few warranty voids, the machine was torn apart. The front buttons are directly linked to a little mother board using a group of wires. We simply added a ribbon cable directly on the mother board starting from the button wire contacts. This allows us access to all the six front button features.

Ok, lets try to rebuild it
Ok, lets try to rebuild it

On the machine sides, there are two silvers blind covers. Using a Dremel, we created a little access panel behind the left one. We put inside a Yocto-PowerRelay, connected in parallel with the "make coffee" button, which will fake a push on the button.

That's it. Josephine is now a coffee machine remotely controlled by USB. Some code to write, and Josephine can be controlled using a WebApp on an iPhone, Android phone, or any other device able display a web page.


Ok, there is a minor issue remaining: we still have to put the cup in the machine... we will have to think about it, stay tuned...

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