
How to get started with Yoctopuce modules on UWP

By seb, in For the beginners and New stuff, march 02,2018.

Some time ago, we announced a beta version of a Universal Windows Platform library. Today, we officially publish this new library and we take this opportunity to explain how to use it. We are going to write a short Windows Universal application displaying the value of a temperature sensor.

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A gateway to forward YoctoHub callbacks

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, february 20,2018.

A few months ago we announced a new open-source tool called Gateway Hub, to help you deal with interactive remote access to YoctoHubs behind a NAT firewall. This free tool is now becoming even more useful, with the addition of support for forwarding HTTP, MQTT and WebSocket callbacks to third-party services.

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New: Yocto-Bridge and Yocto-MaxiBridge

By martinm, in Measures and New stuff, february 02,2018.

This week, we are proud to present two new Yoctopuce modules on which we have been working for a long time: the Yocto-Bridge and the Yocto-MaxiBridge. They enable you to easily interface Wheatstone bridges... that is, you can build you own USB scale or weighing machine. Let's see what it's all about.

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A gateway to remotely access YoctoHubs

By mvuilleu, in Internet of Things and New stuff, november 27,2017.

Today we present a new tool which you'll find very useful if you use Yoctopuce modules in a protected network environment, such as behind a NAT filter or a firewall. If you have ever wished to remotely connect to your devices for an interactive session, for instance to modify the configuration, you will be glad to know that this is now possible... even for YoctoHub-GSM!

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New stuff for the Yocto-3D-V2

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, november 03,2017.

In a previous post, we showed the effects of magnetic and gyroscopic perturbations on the inertial sensor of the Yocto-3D-V2. The standard method used for sensor data fusion could in some cases find itself undermined, to the point of making the measures useless. Therefore, we recently added in the Yocto-3D-V2 firmware the possibility to choose between several fusion methods, in order to enlarge the application range where this product can be used.

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