
How to get started in Java with Yoctopuce modules

By seb, in For the beginners, january 19,2018.

This week, we continue with our "for the beginners" post series and we are going to talk about Java. As for previous introductions to different programming languages, we are going to implement a small application in Java FX which displays the value of a Yoctopuce temperature sensor.

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About programming examples

By martinm, in For the beginners and Programming, january 12,2018.

From time to time, Yoctopuce support receives emails from customers who complain that the examples provided with the Yoctopuce programming libraries don't work. We don't pretend to believe that our code is 100% error free, but it is clear that, most of the time, the problem comes from a misunderstanding about how these examples work. This week, we are going to clarify this issue.

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How to get started in VB.NET with Yoctopuce modules

By seb, in For the beginners, january 05,2018.

This week, we add to our "for the beginners" series and we tackle Visual Basic .Net. We are going to write a small application displaying the values of a Yoctopuce sensor.

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Device tests at very low temperatures

By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Electronics, december 29,2017.

Now that we finally have our small dry ice freezer, we were able to perform systematic measures of cold endurance for our sensors and transmitters. So here are the tests that we performed and the results.

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Cheap and compact cold

By martinm, in DIY, december 22,2017.

Three weeks ago, we built a "hot box" that can maintain a small enclosure at a constant temperature in the order of 85°C during a few hours. This week, we are trying to do the opposite: a "cold box" that can maintain an ambient temperature in the order of -30°C.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.