
Level monitoring and leak detection

By mvuilleu, in Measures, july 13,2018.

On these hot Summer days, we propose to discuss today two classical topics of remote monitoring: monitoring the level of a tank and detecting water leaks (or other liquid leaks). For these two applications, we are going to show you how you can interface existing sensors with Yoctopuce modules.

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Yocto-Visualization V2 on Linux

By martinm, in Measures and New stuff, july 06,2018.

Stripping the Yocto-Visualization V2 application of all third party libraries has an interesting side effect: one may try to compile it with Mono and make it run on operating systems other than Windows. So we tried to make a Linux version... and it works!

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Counting with a Yocto-Bridge

By seb, in Android, july 01,2018.

A few weeks ago, we implemented a hanging scale and, to do so, we wrote a short Android application which displayed the weight. This week, we are improving this application so that it can also automatically count the number of objects on the scale depending on a reference value.

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How to build a precision USB Ohmmeter

By mvuilleu, in Measures, june 22,2018.

Customers sometimes ask us how to measure the electrical resistance of a circuit by USB using a Yoctopuce module, as we didn't implement a Yocto-Ohm module. Therefore, we are going to explain today how to use other existing Yoctopuce modules to easily measure resistors. You'll see that it's not only possible, but also that you can obtain an excellent accuracy.

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How to get started in JavaScript with Yoctopuce modules

By seb, in For the beginners, june 15,2018.

This week, we go on with our post series "for the beginners" and we talk about JavaScript, and more particularly about how to use our JavaScript/EcmaScript 2017 library in a web browser. We are going to see how you can automatically fill an HTML form with data from a Yoctopuce sensor.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.