10-12 years ago, you could buy a USB battery for 10-20 euros, and use it to power a Yoctopuce experiment without asking yourself too many questions. Unfortunately, today it's very hard to find a USB battery that can power a Yocto-Wireless or YoctoHub-GSM-based experiment. So we decided to invest some time, and money, in trying to find a good one.
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Renesas recently released a new I2C sensor that caught our eye: a tiny miniature sensor for measuring airflow velocity. It's a measure we're interested in, because many industrial processes need well-regulated ventilation to run reproducibly, and progressive clogging of filters can significantly affect ventilation capabilities. Let's take a look at this sensor...
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Many sensors on the market use an I2C interface. The datasheets for these sensors usually simply recall how an I2C bus works by copying and pasting the original Philips/NXP specifications, but for engineers implementing PC- or Internet-based automation solutions today, this isn't necessarily the most relevant explanation. So here's our crash course for new I2C users.
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M-Bus (also known as Meter-Bus) is a standard dating back to the '90s, designed for reading water and power meters. A wireless variant using the same data coding was later defined, but for this post we'll focus on the original version, which powers and reads up to 250 meters over 1 km, linked by a single pair of twisted wires.
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This week, we're releasing a new version of VirtualHub v2 that introduces the concept of security mode. As the name suggests, security modes let you configure VirtualHub network access parameters to suit your needs.
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